A Chara
As we are approaching the end of the 2021 season, this may seem early to look ahead for 2022, but with the increasing numbers playing our game and new clubs coming into the fold, the workload on our current team of volunteers is already excessive.
We are asking for more clubs to volunteer members to come forward in some capacity to help.
It is time for more clubs to step up and help, we cannot continue to depend on the same people to carry out the workload. Too many clubs and their members love to complain and maybe rightly so, but without more volunteers, our game will suffer.
I am sorry to say but the sport will not survive with the small group of volunteers we currently have and we may have to take to drastic action at this year's AGM.
The volunteers we currently have are all deeply involved with their own clubs and still find the time to organise and administer games in our County for your clubs and players.
There are varied roles to fill and committees to help in. There are young and old involved in your clubs who may love to get involved, but they need to be asked, if you know of anyone willing to help, let us know and we will approach if need be.
Coaching of County Teams
Liaison Roles with County Teams
Coda Roles
Hearings and appeals committees
Ulster Council Fixtures Delegate
Ulster Council Delegates
Central Council Delegates
Administration Duties
Referee Co-ordination
Match Officials - Referees and Linespersons
Matchday Stewards
Children's Officer
Health and Well Being
Irish Language Officer