Folks – Two pitches will be set up this weekend from 12pm tomorrow to allow anyone interested to bring the kids for football practice. The opportunity will be there until dusk on Sunday.
The training pitch will be set up for primary aged activity and the bottom pitch for post primary. All of the information on how to use the activities set up can be found on the club website above.
Once again, we are mindful of current public health guidance and ask anyone taking part to observe current advice strictly. Providing members with this outlet, as with any casual use of our pitches, is not intended to encourage gatherings that contravene PH advice.
The pitches will be set up with cones and poles and footballs will be left out for member use. Please use the disinfectant sprays provided on footballs and leave them back to the pick-up area after use.
The areas set out are just guidance – feel free to use some, all or none of it or to use the equipment as you wish. There should be no mixing of bubbles using training zones at any one time but zones can be used simultaneously. All of the drills set out are familiar to our players – they should recognize each very quickly.
If anyone has any queries, please feel free to contact any of the club coaches for advice.